Source code for redssh.redssh

# RedSSH
# Copyright (C) 2018 - 2022 Red_M ( )

# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.

# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

import os
import re
import time
import socket

from . import exceptions
from . import enums
from . import clients
from . import utils

[docs]class RedSSH(object): ''' Instances the start of an SSH connection. Extra options are available after :func:`redssh.RedSSH.connect` is called. :param encoding: Set the encoding to something other than the default of ``'utf8'`` when your target SSH server doesn't return UTF-8. :type encoding: ``str`` ''' def __init__(self,encoding='utf8',terminal='vt100',known_hosts=None,ssh_host_key_verification=enums.SSHHostKeyVerify.warn, ssh_keepalive_interval=0.0,set_flags={},method_preferences={},callbacks={},auto_terminate_tunnels=False,tcp_nodelay=False): self.debug = False self.client = self.pick_client()(encoding=encoding,terminal=terminal,known_hosts=known_hosts,ssh_host_key_verification=ssh_host_key_verification, ssh_keepalive_interval=ssh_keepalive_interval,set_flags=set_flags,method_preferences=method_preferences,callbacks=callbacks, auto_terminate_tunnels=auto_terminate_tunnels,tcp_nodelay=tcp_nodelay) self.enums = self.client.enums def pick_client(self,ssh_client=None,custom_ssh_clients={}): default_client = clients.default_client if ssh_client==None: ssh_client = default_client client_pool = {} client_pool.update(clients.enabled_clients) client_pool.update(custom_ssh_clients) return(client_pool.get(ssh_client,clients.enabled_clients[default_client]))
[docs] def eof(self): ''' Returns ``True`` or ``False`` when the main channel has recieved an ``EOF``. ''' return(self.client.eof())
[docs] def methods(self, method): ''' Returns what value was settled on during session negotiation. ''' return(self.client.methods(method))
[docs] def setenv(self, varname, value): ''' Set an environment variable on the channel. :param varname: Name of environment variable to set on the remote channel. :type varname: ``str`` :param value: Value to set ``varname`` to. :type value: ``str`` :return: ``None`` ''' self.client.setenv(varname, value)
[docs] def connect(self,hostname,port=22,username='',password=None, allow_agent=False,host_based=None,key_filepath=None,passphrase=None, look_for_keys=False,sock=None,timeout=None): ''' .. warning:: Some authentication methods are not yet supported! :param hostname: Hostname to connect to. :type hostname: ``str`` :param port: SSH port to connect to. :type port: ``int`` :param username: Username to connect as to the remote server. :type username: ``str`` :param password: Password to offer to the remote server for authentication. :type password: ``str`` :param allow_agent: Allow the local SSH key agent to offer the keys held in it for authentication. :type allow_agent: ``bool`` :param host_based: Allow the local SSH host keys to be used for authentication. NOT IMPLEMENTED! :type host_based: ``bool`` :param key_filepath: Array of filenames to offer to the remote server. Can be a string for a single key. :type key_filepath: ``array``/``str`` :param passphrase: Passphrase to decrypt any keys offered to the remote server. :type passphrase: ``str`` :param look_for_keys: Enable offering keys in ``~/.ssh`` automatically. NOT IMPLEMENTED! :type look_for_keys: ``bool`` :param sock: A pre-connected socket to the remote server. Useful if you have strange network requirements. :type sock: :func:`socket.socket` :param timeout: Timeout for the socket connection to the remote server. :type timeout: ``float`` ''' self.client.before_connect_options() self.client.connect(hostname,port,username,password,allow_agent,host_based,key_filepath,passphrase,look_for_keys,sock,timeout) self.client.after_connect_options()
[docs] def read(self,block=False): ''' Recieve data from the remote session. Only works if the current session has made it past the login process. :param block: Block until data is received from the remote server. ``True`` will block until data is recieved and ``False`` may return ``b''`` if no data is available from the remote server. :type block: ``bool`` :return: ``generator`` - A generator of byte strings that has been recieved in the time given. ''' return(
[docs] def send(self,string): ''' Send data to the remote session. Only works if the current session has made it past the login process. :param string: String to send to the remote session. :type string: ``str`` :return: ``int`` - Amount of bytes sent to remote machine. ''' return(self.client.send(string))
[docs] def write(self,string): ''' See :func:`redssh.RedSSH.send` ''' return(self.send(string))
[docs] def flush(self): ''' Flush all data on the primary channel's stdin to the remote connection. Only works if connected, otherwise returns ``0``. :return: ``int`` - Amount of bytes sent to remote machine. ''' if self.client.past_login==True: return(self.client.flush()) return(0)
[docs] def last_error(self): ''' Get the last error from the client session. :return: ``str`` ''' return(self.client.last_error())
[docs] def execute_command(self,command,env=None,channel=None,pty=False): ''' Run a command. This will block as the command executes. :param command: Command to execute. :type command: ``str`` :param env: Environment variables to set during ``command``. :type env: ``dict`` :param channel: Use an existing SSH channel instead of spawning a new one. :type channel: ```` :param pty: Request a pty for the command to be executed via. :type pty: ``bool`` :return: ``tuple (int, str)`` - of ``(return_code, command_output)`` ''' return(self.client.execute_command(command,env=env,channel=channel,pty=pty))
[docs] def start_sftp(self): ''' Start the SFTP client. The client will be available at `self.sftp` and will be an instance of `redssh.sftp.RedSFTP` :return: ``None`` ''' self.client.start_sftp() if self.client.past_login and self.client.__check_for_attr__('sftp')==True: self.sftp = utils.ObjectProxy(self.client,'sftp')
[docs] def start_scp(self): ''' Start the SCP client. If the client or server doesn't support SCP, SFTP will be started instead, this is due to SCP being deprecated. :return: ``None`` ''' self.client.start_scp() if self.client.past_login and self.client.__check_for_attr__('scp')==True: self.scp = utils.ObjectProxy(self.client,'scp')
[docs] def forward_x11(self): ''' Start forwarding an X11 display. :return: ``None`` ''' self.client.forward_x11()
[docs] def local_tunnel(self,local_port,remote_host,remote_port,bind_addr='',error_level=enums.TunnelErrorLevel.debug): ''' Forwards a port on the remote machine the same way the ``-L`` option does for the OpenSSH client. Providing a ``0`` for the local port will mean the OS will assign an unbound port for you. This port number will be provided to you by this function. :param local_port: The local port on the local machine to bind to. :type local_port: ``int`` :param remote_host: The remote host to connect to via the remote machine. :type remote_host: ``str`` :param remote_port: The remote host's port to connect to via the remote machine. :type remote_port: ``int`` :param bind_addr: The bind address on this machine to bind to for the local port. :type bind_addr: ``str`` :param error_level: The level of verbosity that errors in tunnel threads will use. :type error_level: :class:`redssh.enums.TunnelErrorLevel` :return: ``int`` The local port that has been bound. ''' return(self.client.local_tunnel(local_port,remote_host,remote_port,bind_addr,error_level))
[docs] def remote_tunnel(self,local_port,remote_host,remote_port,bind_addr='',error_level=enums.TunnelErrorLevel.warn): ''' Forwards a port to the remote machine via the local machine the same way the ``-R`` option does for the OpenSSH client. :param local_port: The local port on the remote side for clients to connect to. :type local_port: ``int`` :param remote_host: The remote host to connect to via the local machine. :type remote_host: ``str`` :param remote_port: The remote host's port to connect to via the local machine. :type remote_port: ``int`` :param error_level: The level of verbosity that errors in tunnel threads will use. :type error_level: :class:`redssh.enums.TunnelErrorLevel` :return: ``None`` ''' return(self.client.remote_tunnel(local_port,remote_host,remote_port,bind_addr,error_level))
[docs] def dynamic_tunnel(self,local_port,bind_addr='',error_level=enums.TunnelErrorLevel.warn): ''' Opens a SOCKS proxy AKA gateway or dynamic port the same way the ``-D`` option does for the OpenSSH client. Providing a ``0`` for the local port will mean the OS will assign an unbound port for you. This port number will be provided to you by this function. :param local_port: The local port on the local machine to bind to. :type local_port: ``int`` :param bind_addr: The bind address on this machine to bind to for the local port. :type bind_addr: ``str`` :param error_level: The level of verbosity that errors in tunnel threads will use. :type error_level: :class:`redssh.enums.TunnelErrorLevel` :return: ``int`` The local port that has been bound. ''' return(self.client.dynamic_tunnel(local_port,bind_addr,error_level))
[docs] def tunnel_is_alive(self,tunnel_type,sport,rhost=None,rport=None,bind_addr=''): ''' Checks if a tunnel is alive. Provide the same arguments to this that was given for openning the tunnel. Examples: `local_tunnel(9999,'localhost',8888)` would be `tunnel_is_alive(redssh.enums.TunnelType.local,9999,'localhost',8888)` `remote_tunnel(7777,'localhost',8888)` would be `tunnel_is_alive(redssh.enums.TunnelType.remote,7777,'localhost',8888)` `dynamic_tunnel(9999)` would be `tunnel_is_alive(redssh.enums.TunnelType.dynamic,9999)` `dynamic_tunnel(9999,'')` would be `tunnel_is_alive(redssh.enums.TunnelType.dynamic,9999,bind_addr='')` :param tunnel_type: The tunnel type to shutdown. :type tunnel_type: :class:`redssh.enums.TunnelType` :param sport: The bound port for local and dynamic tunnels or the local port on the remote side for remote tunnels. :type sport: ``str`` :param rhost: The remote host for local and remote tunnels. :type rhost: ``str`` :param rport: The remote port for local and remote tunnels. :type rport: ``int`` :param bind_addr: The bind address used for local and dynamic tunnels. :type bind_addr: ``str`` :return: ``bool``, if bad tunnel type provided returns ``None`` ''' return(self.client.tunnel_is_alive(tunnel_type,sport,rhost,rport,bind_addr))
[docs] def shutdown_tunnel(self,tunnel_type,sport,rhost=None,rport=None,bind_addr=''): ''' Closes an open tunnel. Provide the same arguments to this that was given for openning the tunnel. Examples: `local_tunnel(9999,'localhost',8888)` would be `shutdown_tunnel(redssh.enums.TunnelType.local,9999,'localhost',8888)` `remote_tunnel(7777,'localhost',8888)` would be `shutdown_tunnel(redssh.enums.TunnelType.remote,7777,'localhost',8888)` `dynamic_tunnel(9999)` would be `shutdown_tunnel(redssh.enums.TunnelType.dynamic,9999)` `dynamic_tunnel(9999,'')` would be `shutdown_tunnel(redssh.enums.TunnelType.dynamic,9999,bind_addr='')` :param tunnel_type: The tunnel type to shutdown. :type tunnel_type: :class:`redssh.enums.TunnelType` :param sport: The bound port for local and dynamic tunnels or the local port on the remote side for remote tunnels. :type sport: ``str`` :param rhost: The remote host for local and remote tunnels. :type rhost: ``str`` :param rport: The remote port for local and remote tunnels. :type rport: ``int`` :param bind_addr: The bind address used for local and dynamic tunnels. :type bind_addr: ``str`` :return: ``None`` ''' self.client.shutdown_tunnel(tunnel_type,sport,rhost,rport,bind_addr)
[docs] def close_tunnels(self): ''' Closes all SSH tunnels if any are open. ''' self.client.close_tunnels()
[docs] def exit(self): ''' Kill the current session if connected. ''' self.client.exit()